Board of Directors


The Board of Directors of our Bank consists of 15 Directors, including 4 Executive Directors, 6 Non-executive Directors and 5 Independent Non-executive Directors.

Name Position/Title
Lu Jianqiang (陆建强)


Mr. Lu Jianqiang is currently the secretary of the Communist Party of China (“CPC”) committee, Chairman of the Board and executive Director. He holds a postgraduate degree of philosophy and is a senior economist. Mr. Lu has previously served as the deputy director of Zhejiang Enterprise Records Management Center, the deputy director of the office of Zhejiang Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce, the director of the business information management office of Zhejiang Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce, the director of the office of Zhejiang Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce, a member of the CPC committee and the director of the office of Zhejiang Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce, the deputy director of the general office and a member of the CPC committee of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the deputy director of the general office and a member of the CPC committee of Zhejiang Provincial Government, a deputy secretary general and a member of the CPC committee of general office of Zhejiang Provincial Government, the secretary of the CPC committee and the chairman of the board of Caitong Securities Co., Ltd.. Currently, he also serves as the chairman of the first council of Zhejiang Mergers and Acquisitions Association (浙江省併購聯合會), the chairman of the first council of Zhejiang Financial Advisory Service Federation (浙江省金融顧問服務聯合會) and the director of the financial services committee of The General Association of Zhejiang Entrepreneurs (浙商總會).

Chairman of the Board,Executive Director
Zhang Rongsen (张荣森)


  Mr. Zhang Rongsen is currently the deputy secretary of the CPC committee,Executive Director,President of the Company. He holds a post-graduate diploma and a doctoral degree in economics, and is a senior economist. Mr. Zhang served as president of Hangtianqiao Sub-branch, Beijing Branch, China Guangfa Bank, member of the CPC committee and assistant to president of Beijing Branch, China Guangfa Bank; leader of the preparatory team, secretary of the CPC committee and president of Beijing Branch, Bank of Jiangsu; member of the party committee, vice president and executive director of Bank of Jiangsu, and member of the CPC committee ,president and the secretary of the CPC committee of Beijing Branch, vice president of China Zheshang Bank.

Executive Director, President
Ma Hong(马红)


Ms. Ma Hong is currently the deputy secretary of the CPC committee and director of the Labor Union and the Executive Director of the Bank. She holds a postgraduate degree. Ms. Ma Hong was deputy chief of the hygiene section of the logistics department of the Qingdao Garrison (青島警備區); deputy director and director of the hygiene section of the logistics department of Zhejiang Army Reserve Infantry Division (浙江陸軍預備役步兵師), associate consultant of the General Office of Cadres of the Organization Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee (浙江省委組織部幹部綜合處); associate consultant, deputy division chief, consultant and division chief of the Civil Servant Management Office of the Organization Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee (浙江省委組織部公務員管理處); and division chief and primary consultant of the First-division of Civil Servant of the Organization Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee (浙江省委組織部公務員一處).

Executive Director
Chen Haiqiang(陈海强)


  Mr. Chen Haiqiang is currently a member of the CPC committee, Executive Director, vice President of the Company. He holds a bachelor's degree and an executive master's degree in business administration, and is a senior economist. Mr. Chen worked as deputy principal staff member at Zhejiang Branch, China Development Bank; deputy director (presiding over the work) of Ningbo Beilun Banking Office, president of Ningbo Beilun Branch, member of the CPC committee, assistant to president, and vice president of Ningbo Branch, China Merchants Bank; secretary of the CPC committee and president of Ningbo Branch, China Zheshang Bank, as well as the assistant to president of China Zheshang Bank, secretary of the CPC committee of Hangzhou Branch of the Company and president of Hangzhou Branch.

Executive Director, Vice President
Hou Xingchuan(侯兴钏)


  Mr. Hou Xingchuan is currently the Non-executive Director of the bank, holds a postgraduate degree and is an economist. Mr. Hou Xingchuan used to serve as a cadre of the Information Center (信息中心), associate chief officer of the Planning and Finance Division (計劃財務處) and chief officer of the Planning and Finance Division of Zhejiang Provincial Taxation Bureau (浙江省地方稅務局), the deputy director general (temporary position) of Jinhua Municipal Taxation Bureau, Jiangbei Branch (金華市地方稅務局江北分局); chief officer of the Office (辦公室), deputy director general of the Planning and Finance Division and deputy director of the Office of Zhejiang Provincial Taxation Bureau; member of the CPC committee and deputy general manager (temporary position) of Zhejiang Development Asset Operations Co., Ltd. (浙江省發展資產經營有限公司); Level 6 management post of Zhejiang Financial Development Co., Ltd. (浙江省財務開發公司) and general manager of the Strategic Development (戰略發展部) of Zhejiang Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. (浙江省金融控股有限公司). He is currently a member of the CPC committee and deputy general manager of Zhejiang Financial Holdings Co., Ltd.

Non-executive Director
Ren Zhixiang(任志祥)


  As a non-executive Director of the Company and a senior economist with a doctoral degree, Mr. Ren worked as the deputy general manager of investment banking department of Zhejiang International Trust & Investment Company Ltd., a senior director of asset management department and the chief economist of strategy research and legal affairs department of Zhejiang Provincial Energy Group., Ltd., the chief economist, the deputy director and director of strategy management and legal department of Zhejiang Provincial Energy Group., Ltd. He currently serves as the general manager and deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Zheneng Fund Holdings Company Ltd.

Non-executive Director
Gao Qinhong (高勤红)


  Ms. Gao Qinhong is currently a non-executive Director of the Company. She holds a postgraduate degree and is a senior economist. Ms. Gao worked as accountant and credit manager of Xiaoshan branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. She also served as accountant and credit manager of Zhejiang provincial branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; section chief of credit and loan section and division-level inspector of Hangzhou branch and vice president of Wulin sub-branch, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd.; vice general manager and chief financial officer and director of Zhejiang Hengyi Group Co., Ltd. and director of Hengyi Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (恒逸石化股份有限公司). She currently serves as chief financial advisor of Zhejiang Hengyi Group Co., Ltd..

Non-executive Director
Hu Tiangao (胡天高)


  Mr. Hu Tiangao is currently a non-executive Director of the Company. He holds an EMBA degree and is a senior economist. Mr. Hu served as vice president of Dongyang sub-branch, Bank of China. He is currently a director and senior vice president of Hengdian Group Holdings Limited; director of Hengdian Group DMEGC Magnetics Co., Ltd. (橫店集團東磁股份有限公司); director of Apeloa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (普洛藥業股份有限公司); director of Innuovo Technology Co., Ltd. (英洛華科技股份有限公司); director of Hengdian Group Tospo Lighting Co., Ltd. (橫店集團得邦照明股份有限公司) and director of Hengdian Entertainment Co., Ltd. (橫店影視股份有限公司).

Non-executive Director
ZHU Weiming(朱玮明)


  Mr. Zhu Weiming is currently a non-executive Director of the Company. He holds a postgraduate degree. Mr. Zhu successively held the positions of vice director and director of the general manager service department at Jiaxing Power Generation Co., Ltd.; vice general manger and secretary of the board for Zhejiang Southeast Electric Power Company Limited; vice general manager at Zhoushan Marine Comprehensive Development and Investment Co., Ltd.; vice director of the investment and development department at Zhejiang Marine Development & Investment Group Co., Ltd.; vice director of the investment and development department as well as vice director and director of the finance and asset management department at Zhejiang Provincial Seaport Investment & Operation Group Co., Ltd.. He is currently the director of the financial affairs department at Zhejiang Provincial Seaport Investment & Operation Group Co., Ltd.; chairman of Zhejiang Seaport Asset Management Co., Limited (浙江海港資產管理有限公司), Zhejiang Seaport Bulk Commodity Exchange Co., Ltd. (浙江海港大宗商品交易中心有限公司), Zhejiang Zhegang Trading Co., Ltd. (浙江浙港商貿有限公司), Ningbo Shipping Exchange Co., Ltd. (寧波航運交易所有限公司) and Zhejiang Seaport Group Financial Co., Ltd. (浙江海港集團財務有限公司), vice chairman of Donghai Marine Insurance Company Limited (東海航運保險股份有限公司), as well as director of Zhejiang Seaport (Hong Kong) Co., Limited and Ningbo Commerce Bank Co., Ltd. (寧波通商銀行股份有限公司) respectively.

Non-executive Director
YING Yuxiang(应宇翔)


  As a non-executive Director of the Company,and an economist with a master’s degree, Mr. Ying served as an officer of the internet finance department and the retail finance department of the head office, a deputy manager of the retail finance department of Huangpu Sub-branch, an account manager and a deputy manager of the business hall of the business department of the head office, and a deputy manager and a manager of the financial division II of Changning Sub-branch of the Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank (上海農商銀行). He served as an assistant General Manager and a Deputy General Manager of the equity investment division of Taiping Asset Management Company Limited (太平資產管 理有限公司). He is currently the Deputy General Manager (in charge of work) of the equity investment division of Taiping Asset Management Company Limited (太平資產管理有限公司), a non-executive director of Inner Mongolia Dian Tou Energy Corp Ltd (內蒙古電投能源股份有限公司).

Non-executive Director
Zhou Zhifang (周志方)


  Mr. Zhou Zhifang is currently an independent non-executive Director of the Company. He is a senior economist, with an undergraduate degree. Mr. Zhou held the posts of deputy unit chief at People’s Bank of China, Jiangshan Sub-branch; deputy unit chief at Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Jiangshan Sub-branch; director at the business department and the savings department, vice president, member of the CPC committee, leader of the discipline inspection team, deputy secretary of the CPC committee, vice president (in charge), secretary of the CPC committee and president of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Quzhou Branch; vice president and member of the CPC committee of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Jiangxi Branch; vice president, member of the CPC committee, and general manager and secretary of the CPC committee of the business department of Guangdong Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; president and secretary of the CPC committee of Ningbo Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; director of Shanghai Branch of the Internal Audit Bureau of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; and senior expert (at president level) of Zhejiang Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China of during which he acted as leader of the third inspection team in the head office of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

Independent Non-executive Director
Wang Guocai (王国才)


  Mr.Wang Guocai is currently an independent non-executive Director of the Company. He is a senior economist, with an undergraduate degree. Mr. Wang held the posts of vice president and president of Yuhuan Sub-branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; president of Wenling Sub-branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; vice president and president of Taizhou Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; and expert of Zhejiang Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China.

Independent Non-executive Director
Wang Wei (汪炜)


  As an independent non-executive Director of the Company and a professor with a doctoral degree, Mr. Wang has been teaching at the School of Economics of Zhejiang University, being a lecturer, associate professor and professor successively. He served as the vice president of the School of Economics of Zhejiang University, deputy director of the academic committee and executive director of the Academy of Financial Research of Zhejiang University. He currently serves as the professor and chief specialist of the Academy of Financial Research of Zhejiang University, secretary general and standing vice president of the Zhejiang Financial Association, president of the Academy of Financial Research of Zhejiang Province. He is also an independent director of Caitong Securities Co., Ltd., Anhui Jiangnan Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Mybank Co., Ltd., Betta Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., Sunwave Communications Co., Ltd., China Electronic Investment Holding Co., Ltd., Olympus Investments Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Xin’an River and Qiandao Lake Basin Industrial Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. and Wan Xiang Trust Co., Ltd., and an external supervisor of Bank of Wenzhou Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Harbor Asset Management Co., Ltd.

Independent Non-executive Director
Xu Yongbin (许永斌)


  Mr. Xu Yongbin is currently an independent non-executive Director of the Company. He holds a doctor’s degree and is a Level-2 professor and doctoral supervisor. Mr. Xu Yongbin has been teaching at the Zhejiang Gongshang University (浙江工商大學), and served as a lecturer, associate professor, professor and deputy dean of the Accounting Department of Hangzhou Business College (杭州商學院) successively. He served as a professor and dean of the Accounting College of Zhejiang Gongshang University. He also served as the vice president of the Accounting Society of Zhejiang Province (浙江省會計學會), the vice president of the Auditing Society of Zhejiang Province (浙江省審計學會), and an independent non-executive director of Ningbo Zhoushan Port Group Co., Ltd. (寧波舟山港股份有限公司). He is currently a member of the Accounting Society of China (中國會計學會), the vice president of Zhejiang Association of CFO (浙江省總會計師協會), a standing member of China Business Accounting Institute (中國商業會計學會), as well as an independent non-executive director of Zheshang Development Group Co., Ltd. (浙商中拓集團股份有限公司), Zhejiang Yongtai Technology Co., Ltd. (浙江永太科技股份有限公司), Zhejiang Sanmei Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. (浙江三美化工股份有限公司) andHangzhou United Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. (杭州聯合農村商業銀行股份有限公司).

Independent Non-executive Director
Fu Tingmei (傅廷美)


  Mr. Fu Tingmei is currently an independent non-executive Director of the Company. He holds a doctor’s degree. Mr. Fu has previously served as the vice president and deputy managing director of Peregrine Capital (China) Limited, Hong Kong Branch, a director of Peregrine Capital Limited as well as the deputy managing director and the managing director of BNP Paribas Peregrine Capital Limited, Hong Kong Branch. Mr. Fu is currently engaged in private family investment business and also serves as an independent director of Guotai Junan International Holdings Limited, COFCO Joycome Foods Limited, and China Resources Pharmaceutical Group Limited.

Independent Non-executive Director


There are six special committees under the Board of Directors of the Company, including Strategic Committee, Audit Committee, Risk and Related Party Transaction Control Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee ,Consumer Rights Protection Committee and Inclusive Finance Development Committee.


Strategy Committee

   We have set up strategic committee with written terms of reference. The main functions and powers of the strategic committee include but are not limited to the following:
  I. preparation of business objectives, mid- to long-term development plans and development strategies of our Bank;
  II. supervision and inspection of the implementation of annual business plans and investment programs; and;
  III. other matters authorized by the Board.

Audit Committee

   We have set up audit committee with written terms of reference and in compliance with the Listing Rules. The main functions and powers of the audit committee include but are not limited to the following:
  I. inspection of accounting policies, financial position and financial reporting procedures of our Bank, and inspection of risk and compliance status;
  II. recommendation for hiring or replacing external auditor;
  III. supervision for internal audit system of our Bank and its implementation; charge of communication between internal audit and external audit; of our Bank’s financial information and its disclosure and preparation of diagnostic report for the authenticity, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the audited financial reporting information, which should be submitted to Board of Directors by the committee for consideration; and
  VI.other matters stipulated in relevant laws, regulations, rules, stipulations of securities regulatory authority of listing location of our Bank and authorized by Board of Directors.

Risk & Risk and Related Party Transactions Control Committee

   We have set up risk and related party transactions control committee with written terms of reference. The main functions and powers of the risk and related party transactions control committee include but are not limited to the following:
  I. supervision for the situation of risk control conducted by the senior management of our Bank;
  II. assessment for risk situation of our Bank;
  III. preparation of recommendations to improve risk management and internal control of our Bank;
  IV. review and approval of general related party transaction of our Bank or acceptance of the filing of general related party transaction;
  V. review and approval for major related party transactions of our Bank or the transactions which are subject to reporting, announcement and/or independent shareholders’ approvals under the relevant stipulations of securities regulatory authority of listing location of our Bank, which shall be submitted to the Board of Directors by the committee for approval;and
  VI. other matters authorized by the Board.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

   We have set up nomination and remuneration committee with written terms of reference in compliance with the Listing Rules. The main functions and powers of the nomination and remuneration committee include but are not limited to the following:
  I. recommendation to the Board of Directors based on the operation situation, asset size and share structure of our Bank;
  II.preparation of selection and appointment criteria and procedures for Directors and senior management members and recommendation to the Board of Directors;
  III.proposal candidates for Chairman and Vice Chairman to Board of Directors; provision review comments on the candidates of Directors and senior management members including President, Vice President, Secretary of the Board, Financial Principal and etc.;
  IV. preparation of remuneration policies and plans for Directors and senior management members and recommendation to the Board of Directors; and
  V.other matters stipulated in relevant laws, administrative regulations, rules, stipulations of securities regulatory authority of listing location of our Bank and authorized by the Board of Directors.

Consumer Rights Protection Committee

   We established the Consumer Rights Protection Committee with written terms of reference.   Main Responsibilities of the Consumer Rights Protection Committee:
  (1) Formulate strategies, policies and targets of consumer rights protection work;
  (2) Direct, urge and supervise the senior management to effectively perform and complete relevant work, regularly hear special reports of the senior management on consumer rights protection work;
  (3) Supervise and evaluate the comprehensiveness, timeliness and effectiveness of consumer rights protection work of the Bank, and performance by the senior management of relevant responsibilities;
  (4) Other matters authorized by the Board of Directors.

Inclusive Finance Development Committee

   We established the Inclusive Finance Development Committee with written terms of reference. Responsibilities of the Inclusive Finance Development Committee:
  (1) Formulate development strategy plans and basic management rules for inclusive finance business of the Bank;
  (2) Consider annual operation plans, assessment and evaluation measures and other matters of the Inclusive Finance Business Unit;
  (3) Direct and supervise effective implementation of annual operation plans of the Inclusive Finance Business Unit;
  (4) Other matters authorized by the Board of Directors.