Senior Management

Senior Management

Name Position/Title
Zhang Rongsen (张荣森)


  Mr. Zhang Rongsen is currently the deputy secretary of the CPC committee,Executive Director,President of the Company. He holds a post-graduate diploma and a doctoral degree in economics, and is a senior economist. Mr. Zhang served as president of Hangtianqiao Sub-branch, Beijing Branch, China Guangfa Bank, member of the CPC committee and assistant to president of Beijing Branch, China Guangfa Bank; leader of the preparatory team, secretary of the CPC committee and president of Beijing Branch, Bank of Jiangsu; member of the party committee, vice president and executive director of Bank of Jiangsu, and member of the CPC committee ,president and the secretary of the CPC committee of Beijing Branch, vice president of China Zheshang Bank.

Executive Director, President
Chen Haiqiang (陈海强)


  Mr. Chen Haiqiang is currently a member of the CPC committee, Executive Director, vice President of the Company. He holds a bachelor's degree and an executive master's degree in business administration, and is a senior economist. Mr. Chen worked as deputy principal staff member at Zhejiang Branch, China Development Bank; deputy director (presiding over the work) of Ningbo Beilun Banking Office, president of Ningbo Beilun Branch, member of the CPC committee, assistant to president, and vice president of Ningbo Branch, China Merchants Bank; secretary of the CPC committee and president of Ningbo Branch, China Zheshang Bank, as well as the assistant to president of China Zheshang Bank, secretary of the CPC committee of Hangzhou Branch of the Company and president of Hangzhou Branch.

Executive Director, Vice President
Jing Feng (景峰)


  Mr. Jing Feng is currently a member of the CPC committee and the Vice President of the Company . He holds a bachelor's degree and a master’s degree in business administration, and is a certified public accountant in the US. Mr. Jing worked as the deputy general manager and general manager of planning and finance department of Suzhou Branch, China Minsheng Bank, finance specialist of corporate financial business department of China Minsheng Bank, deputy general manager of Jiangsu business department of China Zheshang Bank, vice president and member of the CPC committee of Nanjing Branch, deputy general manager (presiding over the work) and general manager of finance and accounting department of China Zheshang Bank, and also general manager of finance and accounting department and general manager of asset and liability management department of China Zheshang Bank, the general manager of planning and finance department (asset and liability management department) of the Company and the chief financial officer of the Company.

Vice President
Luo Feng (骆峰)


  Mr. Luo Feng is currently a member of the CPC committee, Vice President and Secretary to the Board of the Company. He has a post-graduate degree and a doctoral degree in economics. Mr. Luo worked as manager assistant of financial market research center of treasury department, manager assistant of business management center, deputy manager and manager of business management center (research center) of treasury department, risk monitoring officer and general manager assistant of treasury department, manager of risk management center, deputy general manager and deputy general manager (presiding over the work) of treasury department of China Zheshang Bank, general manager of financial market department of the Company and the assistant to President of the Company.

Vice President,Secretary to the Board
Lin Jingran (林静然)


  The vice president of the Company,the president and a secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Branch. Being a senior economist with a master's degree, Mr. Lin Jingran (林靜然先生) served as a deputy director of Nanjing Huayuan Road Branch, a director of Zhongnan Branch, a director of Zhujiang Road Branch, a president of Xuanwu Sub-branch (at deputy-director level), and a vice president of Xingang Sub-branch (responsible for daily operations) of Bank of China (中國銀行); he served as a vice general manager of the Second Corporate Department of Nanjing Branch (responsible for daily operations), a president of Jiangning Sub-branch (at vice president level of the sub-branch), a deputy marketing officer of the electromechanical finance department of East China (Nanjing) (responsible for daily operations), a director of the electromechanical finance department of Nanjing Branch, a person in charge and a president of the preparatory group of Wuxi Sub-branch, a member of the Party Committee of Nanjing Branch, a deputy secretary of the Party Committee (responsible for daily operations) and a vice president (responsible for daily operations) of Kunming Branch, a secretary of the Party Committee and a president of Suzhou Branch, and a secretary of the Party Committee and a president of Nanjing Branch of China Minsheng Bank (中國民生銀行); he served as a deputy secretary of the Party Committee, a director and a president of Bank of Nanjing Co., Ltd. (南京銀行股份有限公司), and a vice chairman and a member of the Party Committee of Nanjing Southeast State-owned Investment Group Co., Ltd.*(南京東南國資投資集團有限責任公司).

Vice President
Zhou Weixin (周伟新)


  Mr. Zhou Weixin serves as President Assistant of the Company and President of Zhejiang Headquarters. Mr. Zhou is an economist and senior certified credit analyst, with an undergraduate degree. Mr. Zhou has previously served as the vice president (in charge of relevant work) and president of Lin’an sub-branch of Bank of China, the president of Gaoxin sub-branch, Hangzhou of Bank of China, the director of Hangzhou corporate business center under the corporate business department of Zhejiang Branch of Bank of China, the president of Qingchun sub-branch, Hangzhou of Bank of China, the secretary of the CPC committee and the president of Zhoushan Branch of Bank of China, the general manager and executive office director of the risk management department and the general manager of the personal banking department of Zhejiang Branch of Bank of China, as well as a member of the CPC committee and the vice president of Anhui Branch of Bank of China, during which period he served as a CPC party member and vice mayor of Bengbu City from November 2019 to December 2021 under temporary assignment.

President Assistant of the Company
Pan Huafeng (潘华枫)


Mr. Pan is the President Assistant and Chief Risk Officer of the Company. He holds undergraduate degree and is an economist. Mr. Pan once served as the Deputy Director of the Credit Management Department and the Risk Management Department of Bank of China Ningbo Branch, the Deputy President of Bank of China Yinzhou Branch, and the Deputy Director (in charge of work) and Director of the Risk Management Department of Bank of China Ningbo Branch; Member of the Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Risk Monitoring Officer, the President Assistant, Vice President, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Party Committee Secretary, and President of Zheshang Bank Ningbo Branch, General Manager of the Risk Management Department and Director of the New Asset Management Office of Zheshang Bank, and General Manager of the Risk Management Department.

President Assistant, Chief Risk Officer